Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

“The story is everything”: Limerick author gears up for ‘Cli-Fi’ book launch

Daniel J Mooney’s The 14th Storm book launch will be held in O’Mahony’s Bookshop, O’Connell Street at 6.30 this evening, November 15.

As Limerick author Daniel J Mooney prepares for the launch of his latest novel, The 14th Storm, he shared his experience writing and publishing his most recent of three books with Limerick Voice.

Daniel has written two other novels under the name Dan Mooney, The Great Unexpected, and Me Myself and Them, but this time he’s taken his writing to another level with an entire genre shift.

His first two published books have fallen under the category of literary fiction, but his switch to this exciting new genre of ‘Cli-Fi’ – climate fiction, will see new layers of his creativity come to light.

Rated five stars on good reads, The 14th Storm takes place in a futuristic Ireland, taken over by Climate Change. This Cli-Fi idea has been in the works for over three years, yet the first draft was ready within two months of his pen hitting the paper.

Speaking about his new novel, Dan posed: “Every story has a reason, a purpose. The story is everything.”

Dan does not live a typical author’s life, his mind-blowing ability to pursue many different careers – author, air traffic controller, amateur filmmaker, actor, cat enthusiast and freelance rugby commentator – is reflected in his inability to settle on one particular genre of writing.

“I don’t think I’ll ever settle, that’s not how my creativity works,” Dan told Limerick Voice.

His current day job, in air traffic control, allows Dan the freedom to write, as the shift hours provide him with multiple days off in a row to pursue all of his other endeavours.

“My job is the kind of work that I can’t bring home. Nobody emails me and asks me to control a few planes in my free time,” Dan joked.

Although Dan seems a jack of all trades, he is most certainly a master of more than one as he never fails to bring passion to each of his jobs. Catch him on Live 95 as a freelance rugby commentator or on The Club Scene podcast, and he will not disappoint.

“These are things that I do passionately with everything that I have,” Dan commented.

The 14th Storm is already available to purchase, but Dan’s launch this evening will provide his guests with the author’s perspective into this dystopian, futuristic story.

If you enjoyed the first of Dan Mooney’s books, this book launch is the place to be, as you too, might make the shift to this exciting new era of Cli-Fi.