Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

St. John’s Cathedral hosts Annual Limerick Choral Union Charity Concert for Mental Health

Annual Limerick Choral Union Charity Concert for Mental Health in St. John’s CathedralAnnual Limerick Choral Union Charity Concert for Mental Health in St. John’s Cathedral; picture by Hannah Altmann
Voices of all ages perform at St. John’s Cathedral for Mental Health Week

Vocalists as young as eight years of age performed in St. John’s Cathedral as part of The Limerick Choral Union Concert for Mental Health Week. The talented young signers performed with the junior choir of Limerick School of Music. This event marked the 17th year that Limerick Choral Union has collaborated with Limerick Mental Health Association.

Community choirs unite to support mental health awareness

Under the direction of Mr Malcolm Green, seven choirs performed on the night including the Limerick Choral Union, the Ukealadies, and Aoide Choir. The free event, saw people from all walks of life enjoy two hours of choral music. All donations made on the night will be used to support Limerick Mental Health Association’s ongoing initiatives.

The Limerick Choral Union is celebrating 60 years of musical tradition. Mr Green took a moment during the event to remind the audience of the positive impact singing has on mental health.

The healing power of singing: A positive impact on mental health

When asked if she feels a positive mental health impact when singing, Aoide Choir member Katherine said “Yes, absolutely! It’s about singing and expressing yourself.”
“I feel a sense of community, it’s great fun, mostly a sense of being important, I love singing”.
She encouraged people of all ages to join their local choir: “The demographic tends to be older and it would be nice to have more young people join the choir”.

The annual Limerick choir concert took place during Limerick Mental Health Week to raise awareness about work carried out by Limerick Mental Health Association.

Raising awareness and funds for Limerick Mental Health Association

“The foundation has been collecting donations since 2005, but it’s our first time in St. John’s Cathedral,” said Ian Hackett, a Limerick Mental Health Association member. Since then, the association has worked to raise awareness, reduce stigma and promote positive mental health through a variety of programmes and initiatives.

According to the the Mid-West Vocal Academy: ‘Singing is excellent for your health both physically and mental. Correct breathing increases oxygenation in the bloodstream and is a physical workout for the upper body. This correct breathing and increased oxygenation also help to release endorphins which help improve the singer’s mood’.

Limerick Choral Union will soon perform Handel’s ‘Messiah’ on 30th November in the University Concert Hall Limerick.

If you struggle with your mental health, please contact one of the following helplines:

Limerick Mental Health Association (061) 446 786
Suicide Intervention Response Limerick (085) 1777 631
National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) l 1800 247 247
Local house (061) 484444
Aware (Depression & Anxiety) Free phone: 1800 80 48 48
The Samaritians (24hr listening service) Free phone: 116 123
myMind Limerick (076) 6801060

Aoide Choir (Mid-West Vocal Academy and Music School), founded in 2014, is currently open to new new members. For more information visit, https://www.midwestvocalacademy.com/aoide-voices/ for registration.
The choir rehearses on Monday nights from 19:30 to 21:30 at Kilmurry Arts and Heritage Centre, Castletroy, Limerick. Registration for September to June is €55 for a single membership and €70 for two members of the same family. email: aoide@midwestvocalacademy.com phone: 083-4659415