An exhibition remembering those who died during The Troubles will begin this Sunday in Limerick.
Seven quilts from the South East Fermanagh Foundation (SEFF) will be on temporary display in Saint Mary’s Cathedral from Sunday, November 19, onwards.
Each quilt serves as memory to the near five hundred people who lost their lives, people SEFF Director Kenny Donaldson described as “ordinary yet extraordinary men, women and children from across the community.”
“The quilts humanise those being remembered who may be said to be ordinary people but who were actually extraordinary to those who they were known to best,” Kenny continued.
He explained the key messages of the quilts are that “violence was futile and totally unjustified”, “those remembered are wholly innocent” and to remember that “the legacy of those represented will live on amongst those left behind.”
Created by SEFF volunteers, the quilts are titled: ‘Your Legacy Lives On,’ ‘A Patchwork of Innocents,’ ‘Uniting Innocent Victims,’ ‘Terrorism knows No Borders,’ ‘Brougher Mountain Innocents Remembered’ and ‘Through Remembering, We Build Bridges and Lives that mattered.’
The organisation supports innocent victim/survivors of The Troubles across the Republic of Ireland. Many of these families are represented on the Terrorism knows NO Borders quilt which includes Irish Army, Garda and Prison Service personnel who were murdered, as well as civilians.
Kenny added that their doors are “open and welcoming to all innocents” who have been “victimised by republican or loyalist terrorism or through criminal-based actions committed by members of the security forces.
He urged they are “not defined by constitutional politics or denominational religion” and extended a “warm invitation” to individuals and groups from “Munster and beyond” to visit the exhibition.
Further information can be found through the SEFF Office on 048 677 23884 or by contacting Kenny on 0044 7900 882770.