Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

Muslim Sisters of Éire forced to cancel soup run due to safety fears

Image from Muslim Sisters of Éire

The charity organisation took to social media to let supporters and users know their soup run has been cancelled due to safety concerns.

Unrest and rioting in Dublin City Centre has led the capital city based charity, Muslim Sisters of Éire, to cancel their soup run.

The Muslim Sisters of Éire is a Dublin-based voluntary independent organisation of mainly Muslim women living in Ireland, “providing a range of support services for the homeless, women and youth, focused on promoting empowerment, social inclusion and diversity.”

The group organises these weekly feeding and soup runs to support those in need throughout the Dublin community.

In a statement on the social media platform X, the charity said: “In light of the stabbings and senseless riots in our town, our soup run has been cancelled for the safety of our service users and our team.

“We urge everyone to take extreme precaution when commuting. Stay safe.”

Comments underneath the post sympathise with the organisation.

“The irony that those who obscenely say ‘we have to look after our own’ have caused people who selflessly give to those with the least, to be unable to give to others because those ‘patriots’ hate literally everyone,” one user commented.

Another comment read: “Thank you for all you do. We are SO lucky to have people of your calibre in Ireland. Please stay safe.”

More information to come as the situation unfolds in Dublin.