Last night Deputy Willie O’Dea (FF) was elected after the sixth count when he surpassed the quota of 8, 435 with 8,523 votes.
No other seats have yet been filled in Limerick City. Maurice Quinlivan (SF) took second place with 6,305 votes and Kieran O’Donnel (FG) is in third place with 6,260 votes.
The fourth seat is still up for grabs however, Elisa O’Donovan (SD) is winning the race to the fourth seat with 3,319 votes. Not far behind follows Dee Ryan (FF) with 3,319, Conor Sheehan (LAB) with 2,937 and finally, Maria Byrne (FG) with 2,914.
Since our last update after the second count four more candidates have been taken out of the race: Ruari Fahy (PBPS), Melanie Cleary (IND), Esther Ahern (II) and Paul Gavn (SF).